Become an Exchange Student

Register Online

Please fill out the registration form below. One of our program coordinators will contact you with more details about the next steps in the application process. You do not make any commitment by registering online for an NWSE exchange.

We are happy to answer any questions you and your parents may have by phone at 206 527 0917 or via email at We look forward to hearing from you soon!


“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. Our children learned about different cultures and how to be better communicators.…

Julie and Kelly from Utah, USA

“My NWSE Exchange has been perfect – the best decision I ever made.”

Emil from Germany

“[My host family and I] had directly a good connection to each other. I feel now I have another family in America… We had a great relationship with a lot…

Lisa from Germany

“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…

Mark from Utah, USA
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